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HomeHoroscopeTaurus men horoscope

Taurus Men Horoscope

Here are specific observed traits of the man who are Taurus ruled by Venus.

Taurus men are those who are extremely quiet and peaceful. They are typical practical people. They usually have their own principles and class. They as classy as an old wine.

They have very down to earth personality. They act slowly but very carefully. They are easy to classify among others.

Ruled by Venus, Taurus men are strong and a difficult puzzle to solve. Bull being a masculine symbol but ruled by the peaceful planet Venus give out a difficult riddle.

But beware, all the beautiful damsels out there, if you think that it is an easy ball game to reach out to a Taurus man!  If you ever thought that solving the riddle of the complex character of the Taurus man is a child play! Then you are wrong.

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The bull natured man, will take his fare amount of time to decide, whether you would be his woman or not! Ruled by a loving, peaceful planet like Venus and a masculine built like that of a bull can surely send the smart and clever Libra man, back to the library!

Once the Taurus man is sure about you, that yes, you are the love of his life; he will not leave a single haystack in getting you. He will keep on sending the roses to you till the time, you accept his proposal or rather we can also say, until you don’t surrender to his proposal-of-marriage or howsoever.

He can even write a poem as well and bashfully mail it to you. His creative skills will win your heart. He is generous too, he love to gift you at all the occasions to express his love for you.

A Sensual personality his persona will compliment you and he will become vulnerable to your exotic perfume the smoothness of your skin and the hair.

Taurus husband always looks out for the positive mate and they form a good team to get started with. They both respect each other deeply, but the Taurus husband asks for a silent and understanding wife. Like majority of the man, a Taurus husband also wish for his own space and love it when a woman stick to him particularly.

Financially, they will never show you tightness. They will be smooth in terms of money.

Taurus husband make a great father, who look after the kids. He will work hard and he will need lots of rest too.

Horoscope : Daily | Weekly | Monthly | Yearly | Love | Relation

Taurus Love Compatibility

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Taurus Characteristics

Gemstone | Nature | Health | Sexual Orientation | Love Compatibility | Business | Men | Women | Child | Boss | Employee
Astro Products for Taurus


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