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HomeHoroscopeCancer men horoscope

Cancer Men Horoscope

Sensitive and loyal, who can also be flirtatious and fickle, yes we are talking here, about a cancer personality, a man who belongs to the sun sign of cancer. He is the one, who is not easy to be determined and you definitely need long time and fair amount of patience in knowing completely a person who is a cancer.

If you ever find him, in his comfort mode, you may get too anxious to know further about him, but yes, don’t give up so easily.

The hard to predict cancer man, needs you to wrap your arms around him, when he is in the sad mode.

His crabby complaints and gruff manner can warm slowly into a tender tone, just the moment before he breaks into a deep chuckle, a muffled giggle or loud, hysterical lunar laughter. When he's sad and wistful, you'll want to put your arms around him, and soothe away his melancholy. When he's showing off his sharp, intuitive mind, you'll stare at him in awe. His caution will impress you. His pessimism will definitely depress you.

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He can be so courtly, courteous, and considerate, you half expect him to ask you to dance the hit pop music number. There's no scope of any doubt that he's a romantic dreamer, yet he's so sensible and practical, his enemies may call him "Old Marble Nose" behind his back. What do you do with a man like this?

If you try to dig in more in to his personality, these traits are typical lunar moods, which run over his consciousness and try to make its mark on his majority of the reactions.

He can be rough and aloof, but his heart is always soft and affectionate. The temperament of a cancer man is usually unpredictable, but in his inner self, he is soft and a pure gentleman.

Cancer lover: You should feel blessed, if you have a boyfriend or a Lover, who belongs to the sun sign of cancer, as for him, the security and the safety comes first. He will always be near and around you, making you feel comfortable in his surroundings.

Cancer man is blessed with the real good sense of saving money. They are not misers but they are smart savers, who very wisely spend their money. They will jolt you out and blow your mind, with their great wisdom, but their lunar emotions are remarkably affected by the full moon.

You'll sigh, lean back on his shoulder and close your eyes. He would love to sing the poem for you and will prove what a gentle man he is. No matter, whether he is out of cash or is facing any challenges in the financial status, his shoes will always be nicely polished and will always be dressed like a king.

Famous Crabs across the world:

Adam Savage

Adam Malik

Alan Vega

Andrew Wyeth

Horoscope : Daily | Weekly | Monthly | Yearly | Love | Relation

Cancer Love Compatibility

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Cancer Characteristics

Gemstone | Nature | Health | Sexual Orientation | Love Compatibility | Business | Men | Women | Child | Boss | Employee
Astro Products for Cancer


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