Aries Man Taurus Woman compatibility

ARIES (Ram) with TAURUS (Bull)

Fire-Cardinal-Positive Earth- Fixed- Negative
Ruled by Mars Ruled by Venus ( Planet Pan- Horus)
Symbol-  Ram Symbol- Bull
Day forces- Masculine Night force- Feminine

The other complete & yet very important synopsis comes as:

  1. Relationship: Stubbornness of Ram and the determination of the cow, meets when we have the adjoining of the Aries and the Taurus.  As the horns of the cow and the ram are identical, what is important to keep a sharp check on the both person’s capability to manage with each other. The aggression is of the same quality and the fury is also the same.  As has been well said, the fortitude initiates & the stubbornness terminates. So, is the case with the Aries and the Taurus couple.  Aries has always been the one initiate the things and the Taurus is the one, who puts an end to all, with his short temperedness.

Janm Kundali

  1. What will be the main Loop holes? :  

Ram secretly envies the reserve & sensible outlook of the bull.   They both would be standing at a contrary stand point, trying to calm down the other person’s aggression. Ram requires some magic in his life and on the contrary the bulls ask for a serene calm and poise in their life. Bull and Ram makes a good duo, but the factor which matters the most, is obviously there, pattern of maintaining an equilibrium.

Horoscope 2025

    1. What to do to make things Sail Smoothly:  Ram would definitely benefit from bull’s realistic approach of life. Although Aries people get suspected of running around burning their bridges behind them & shooting off sparks in wildness, they have their calm moments too. Taurus people get accused of always frowning & worrying like cloudy drops of earth, ready to restrict Arian enthusiasms in adverse silence. Taurus is the one, who never forgets anything easily, he stays dedicated and focused, it will definitely be an advantage for the Aries person.

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